Monday, October 12, 2009

Move-In Countdown

Nick REALLY needs to step it up when it comes to packing, because stuff will be moving on in this week. Or week-ish. The floors will be done within the next couple days. The vanities are finished (save a few knobs which we'll put in), we have a new closet door, and a new giant cabinet where our old closet used to be. This new cabinet was Nick's idea (my only requirement being that it had shelves for my books).

Our new microwave will go in tomorrow since the current one doesn't open how it should (it runs into the cabinet to the left of it).

I can't believe we are about to move in!!! Each time we go to the house I want to stay longer and longer just to stare at everything!

1 comment:

  1. Everything looks wonderful, how exciting for both of you. Good luck, Esther Youtan
