Monday, October 12, 2009

Move-In Countdown

Nick REALLY needs to step it up when it comes to packing, because stuff will be moving on in this week. Or week-ish. The floors will be done within the next couple days. The vanities are finished (save a few knobs which we'll put in), we have a new closet door, and a new giant cabinet where our old closet used to be. This new cabinet was Nick's idea (my only requirement being that it had shelves for my books).

Our new microwave will go in tomorrow since the current one doesn't open how it should (it runs into the cabinet to the left of it).

I can't believe we are about to move in!!! Each time we go to the house I want to stay longer and longer just to stare at everything!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Scratch That: Move In, NEXT WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kitchen before...


Eddie told us today that we can start moving in next week...and this time, I believe him! The kitchen is amazing, the appliances are in (with a few glitches...microwave doesn't quite fit how it's supposed too...) and the faucets are in our master bathroom!!! Nick actually needs to start packing now!!! Reality is sinking in...

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Move In: Just a Few Short Weeks...


The house truly is almost finished. Of course the project is taking much longer than we expected, as do most renovations I'm sure. Most rooms are finished, but of course have the "little" things to complete. The bedrooms are painted, recessed lights are everywhere, granite is in all bathrooms and in the kitchen, the bars are off all windows, and molding covers the baseboards and windows. I started a list two days ago of everything that still needs to be done at the house before we move in. The vanity frames are finally in, but we are waiting on the actual cabinet doors. Faucets in the bathrooms as well as bathroom appliances (toilets) are going in this week. Our new kitchen sink was installed today into the new granite countertops that I love. Eddie and his crew finished the tile floor in the half bath, and our shower door finally made it to the master bathroom. The list of things to do as always seems endless, but we are definitely seeing the the finish line approaching. Things have been pretty hectic here, so we're trying to handle what seems like a million things at once! The photos below are the latest for the master bathroom, our new funky kitchen faucet, and my attempt at getting a picture of the new granite in the kitchen.