Friday, August 7, 2009

Sinful, Sinful

Last night we told a friend of a friend of ours that we just got a house and were moving in together. The guy's eyebrows raised, eyes widened. "Oh, so you guys...eloped." "Ohhh no no no," I started, "We're just boyfriend and girlfriend...on our way to living in SIN!" lol...

The bathroom is coming along! New walls are up in the master bath, and 2 by 4's allow you to really see the morph of one giant bathroom into two. The new headers were put up today, and I was delightfully surprised to see that the shower and tub frames are in the master bath! Yayyy

These are just a couple pics...I didn't have the camera so I took these with my phone...sorry about the tiny size...the first picture is of the new wall in the guest room. The second is the newly framed shower and tub, the bottom left photo shows our new headers, the bottom right the new wall where the vanity will go. I'll have more (and larger) pictures up by tomorrow.

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